Aloe Gator Projects
Box Tops for Education has helped America’s schools earn over $475 million since 1996. You can help earn cash for Aloe Elementary by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products. Please check your household items, cut out Box Tops coupons if they have one and send them to the school.
Thank you to everyone who brought in Box Tops last school year. Keep on clipping!
Mrs. Harrison,
BoxTops for Education Coordinator
The Ronald McDonald House
The mission of The Ronald McDonald House is to provide comfort, safety, and advocacy in a home-like environment for families with critically ill or injured children who must travel to fulfill their healthcare needs.
A new year at Aloe Elementary School has begun, and that means a new goal to set for collecting aluminum pull-tabs. For those of you that are new to the Aloe campus, this will be our 17th year of collecting tabs. They are donated to The Ronald McDonald House of Corpus Christi to help with their expenses.
The Aloe family has done a great job in years past, and this year, we hope for even more participation. Pulling tabs can become habit forming, and no matter how small the amount, they do accumulate to larger amounts with everyone participating. Be sure to put your name with the pull tabs you bring so you can be recognized each week in the Aloe newsletter.
Thank you to everyone for your efforts for this cause!
The Funding Factory Recycling Project
This project provides additional funding for our school AND it reduces the millions of pounds of toxic cartridge and cell phone waste dumped into landfills each year.
Aloe has been a part of this project since 2007.
We encourage our parents to do the following:
Bring empty printer cartridges and old cell phones to school and deposit them in our cartridge and cell phone bin in the school office - our school will earn money for each item recycled.
Feel good about helping the environment and our school.
Aloe thanks you and our environment thanks you!